Penile Shock Waves

Until today, most of the therapeutic approaches proposed to deal with the problem of erectile dysfunction have one thing in common: they treat the symptom and not the cause. THE application of shock waves it's on the penis the only cure which overturns the previous one. Aims and cures the cause which creates erectile dysfunction. And it is the most common, the vascular problems of the penis.


Low intensity shock waves on the penis increase the angiogenesis and blood flow of the penis, which brings about spectacular results in the erection function. International studies show that patients who did not respond well to oral medications, after shockwave therapy had a significantly better response. Also, patients taking oral medication who had a good response after percussive therapy did not need to take medication.


THE total duration of treatment is 6 weeks. There are two different treatment protocols that are applied depending on the case and the severity of the problem. In the first, 12 sessions are held, 2 times a week, while in the second, 6 sessions, 1 per week. Each session lasts approx 15-20 minutes, is performed in an appropriately equipped clinic, without requiring any anesthesia since it is a complete procedure painless process. The patient does not need to change any other medication before each session and after its completion he immediately returns to his daily life. Undesirable side effects have not been reported and the effects of the treatment seem to be maintained and to they last for a period of time at least two years old.


The modern man should not be trapped when he suffers from erectile dysfunction. Restoring it to the state it was in before the problem occurred is not in the realm of fantasy. Spontaneity, the return to erotic dominance, a healthy sexual life is an achievable goal!