Cryopreservation of Eggs

Fertility forever, whenever we want and not because we have to.

One of the most important areas in reproductive medicine is the preservation of fertility in women of all ages. The modern progress of science has changed the rules of modern medicine and especially those of assisted reproduction with egg freezing.


Which women choose it:

Women are born with a certain number of eggs that gradually decreases.


The modern woman has a priority to study and have a career, while she usually decides to have a family only at an older age and only when she finds the right partner! But after the age of 35, only the 10% of her eggs remains, resulting in reduced fertility after the age of 36-38.


Treatment approaches to serious conditions such as cancer, at any age, also affect women's fertility. For these women, it is possible to freeze their eggs before undergoing surgery or chemotherapy.


What does this process involve?

A woman's ovaries are stimulated with medication to produce eggs. With the process of mild anesthesia, egg retrieval is done, that is, the eggs are collected and frozen using the vitrification method for their cryopreservation.


When the woman decides to have a child, the eggs are thawed, fertilized by the partner's sperm and placed in her uterus. The procedure has a very high success rate even if the woman is biologically in menopause.


The younger the woman when she did the egg freezing the higher the rate of successful pregnancy.


The process of egg freezing is simple, safe, and allows children up to the age of 50 for Greece by law. Many children have now been born from frozen eggs and all scientific studies agree that there are no particular differences in their health compared to children born in vitro with "fresh" eggs.