
Many times, when investigating infertility in couples who cannot conceive, no cause of infertility is found.


The fallopian tubes are passable and the sperm count is within normal limits in terms of motility and morphology.


In these couples, where we cannot detect any cause, we can use, before in vitro fertilization, which is also the last resort, insemination, the classic IUI or the IUI-FSP method.


This is a particularly effective method, during which the woman receives, on the one hand, smaller amounts of drugs compared to in vitro fertilization, and on the other hand, she suffers a lower psychological and financial burden.


During insemination, after the sperm has been properly processed, it is placed with a special catheter inside the uterus.


When the number of sperm is not enough, two poolings can be done, one at the beginning of the cycle and the other on the day of insemination, in order to maximize the amount of the sample.


We usually perform 4-6 inseminations before proceeding to IVF.


The entire monitoring process of controlled ovulation stimulation and IVF is carried out in our clinic by Mr. Kalogirou himself with his personal care.


The process of insemination as well as the extracorporeal egg transfer - embryo transfer is carried out by Mr. Kalogirou himself in the assisted reproduction department of the Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic "IASO" (Institute of Life)