Today, epidural anesthesia is considered the most effective method for relieving the burden of labor.
The fact that the woman is awake, fully aware of the fact of childbirth and at the same time completely relaxed without pain, has a very positive, physical and psychological effect on her and the fetus.
Many studies have shown that epidural anesthesia plays an important role in evaluating childbirth as a positive experience.
Lumbar epidural anesthesia is achieved by placing a thin and flexible catheter in the epidural space and injecting local anesthetics through it.
The success of the method is based on certain prerequisites, such as the good cooperation of the surgeon and anesthetist, the experience of the doctor and the adherence to the rules of antisepsis.
Contraindications to the application of the method are:
- The denial of interest
- Coagulation disorders and thrombocytopenia
- Local inflammation
- Certain neurological diseases
- Oligemia or bleeding
Of course, there is a possibility of complications, the most common of which are:
- Hypotension (is harmless and can be treated immediately)
- Chills that pass automatically within 5 to 10 minutes of the hour
- Eating of the dura and headache that occurs in a rate of 1-2% and is treated without leaving a residue.
- Other neurological complications are now rare.