Papanicolaou test

Invented by George Papanikolaou in 1928, it involves taking cells from the surface of the cervix and the upper parts of the vagina.

The sample is then checked by the cytologist under the microscope for possible abnormalities and precancerous lesions.

It is a painless test.

After the examination, the woman can sometimes notice a few drops of blood coming from the point where the sample was taken.

Every sexually active woman should undergo this examination once a year.

If the result is not completely normal, meaning that some abnormal cervical cells have been found, then you can, depending on what is found and after a detailed discussion with your gynecologist, either undergo a more detailed examination of the cervix (colposcopy) , either to identify the HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus) - a virus that in the long term can cause cervical cancer - or to "leave it" and repeat the Pap test in 3-6 months.

Colposcopy images without damage up to and including cervical cancer from our unit